
This website is for all those who are interested in my work.

As a clinician, I had the great opportunity to work in different cultural contexts. 20 years of work in Europe and Africa as well as recently in China changed my perspectives in medicine. Conclusion: The patient knows everything. Can we listen? Can we observe and ask the right questions? Can I create trust, confidence and atmosphere so that the patient opens up and shares his inner world with me.

The best way to study medicine for me turned out to be at the bedside. Patients became my inspiration.

The way human life is expressed in each indiviual is different. As a physician I try to see disease specific patterns as well as the indiviual expression. Suffering is part of our human existance and in actue disease we either die or we survive. The way chronic diseaes is speaking is different. I got

Latest Posts

  • A test post for Science
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam venenatis pellentesque lorem sed dignissim. Fusce pulvinar pulvinar nibh quis volutpat. Nullam interdum vitae leo ut accumsan. Etiam nec felis sapien. Nullam sed urna vel tellus imperdiet dignissim. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam sed purus eu arcu blandit porttitor. Suspendisse nibh urna, tempor ut nulla eleifend, feugiat commodo…
  • Innovative Ideas for Africa
    Alternative Treatments For Malaria Any new approach in medicine needs a solid scientific base. But what is science? I define science as a systematic evaluation and collection of knowledge, and not limited to paradigms. Purely empirical research has its place and research is done in a laboratory. Methodology is the key element in order to…
  • Collaboration with the Public Health Directory in Maimana/Province Fayrab/Afghanistan.
    In June 2020 a collaboration was started with the public health directory in Maimana / Province Fayrab / Afghanistan. The province of Faryab is one of the most dangerous provinces in Afghanistan. Most of the province is under the control of the Taliban. The capital Maimana is under a province controlled by the government. The…
  • About the Physis Foundation
    The following paragraphs will provide some information about us. We will try to guide you through our thoughts on infectious disease, intercultural cooperation, how medicine can contribute to war zones in a peace process and why we believe that innovative ideas in medicine will play a crucial role in the evolution of societies in low-income…
  • The Physis Foundation
    The Physis Foundation is a Swiss non-profit organisation. It has been founded in 2014. The Physis Foundation is a Swiss non-profit organization established in 2014 (Link to registration).  It was founded by its president, Dr. Klaus Schustereder, a practising physician (General Internal Medicine, FMH) in Switzerland, as a result of his worldwide experiences in medicine.…
  • Intercultural Understandings and Health: A Philosophical Perspective
    Working with people suffering was a learning path for me on two different ends. First I learnt about the people suffering and secondly, I learned about myself. Surprisingly learning about myself turned out to be more difficult and more painful than learning about patients. I am deeply grateful to all patients in different cultural contexts…
  • Human Rights burried
    We never have seen something similar since the existance of the rights of human.
  • Bangui/Central African Republic
    Physis is now active in Bangui/Central African Republic
  • 11 octobre 2023
    This was a great day. My friend Trevor from the UK taught me how to post stuff on my new website. I am soooooooooo happy.
  • Covid 19
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut a purus a odio eleifend efficitur sodales a lacus. Nunc in iaculis diam. Quisque felis odio, porta nec lorem auctor, faucibus scelerisque tortor. Etiam placerat dictum ligula, ac tempor ligula fringilla ut. Vestibulum egestas augue at justo hendrerit efficitur. Curabitur consequat orci nec massa sollicitudin, ac…